Registration for the 4th European Quality Congress has started!
“Future of the Quality” – under this slogan, on March 21, 2018, the 4th European Quality Congress will take place in Łódź. It is a cyclical meeting of representatives of the business and science world, both from Poland and from the rest of Europe, who exchange knowledge and experiences. The idea of Congress is to promote values that are strongly related to quality.
As every year, the main part of the event will consist of thematic panels, discussions and case studies. The speech inaugurating the 4th ECJ will be delivered by Mateusz Grzesiak, PhD – entrepreneur, trainer and consultant. As a part of the current edition, the issues related to running family businesses, protection of personal data and quality management will be additionally raised.
After the substantive part there will be a ceremonial Gala, during which the Laureates of the QUALITY OF THE YEAR® Certificate will receive statuettes and diplomas.
Register today: